firstfear on DeviantArt

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firstfear's avatar

CBox BG - Pretty in Plaid 2



These Background Images are free for use on Deviantart Only!

->Please do not use these for anything beyond Custom Box Backgrounds
->Feel free to edit/recolour!
->Please link back to me if you use these

Custom Box content with these backgrounds will look best if contained within an extra 'box'.

See my main page for examples.

See =somrat's gallery for code to create these extra boxes around your content.

To use these BGs please follow the instructions below!:
1. Download the Zip folder containing all of the BG images. (Download link on top right of page)

2. Find the downloaded zip folder and unzip it.

3. Upload your chosen BG image to your Deviantart SCRAPS, along with a link back to me in the upload's description. (Failure to do this will be claiming the image as your own which you do not have permission to do!)

4. Copy the code below and paste it into your custom box.

<div class="popup2-moremenu"><div class="floaty-boat">
<img src="IMAGE URL GOES HERE"/><**/div><**/div><div class="gr-box gr-genericbox">
(remember to remove the *s from the above code or it will not work)

5. Fullview the BG image uploaded to your scraps and right click on it. Choose "copy Image url", "Copy Image location", or something to that effect. (It may be slightly different depending on your browser).

6.Go back to your custom box code and paste your copied url where it says "IMAGE URL GOES HERE"

7. Type your custom box content where it says "CONTENT GOES HERE".

8.Save your custom box!
© 2011 - 2024 firstfear
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HRODGEJIN's avatar

Thank you so much for your hard work! I really, really like pixel art! I'm so glad you have such a variety of pixels. I use them for my personal diary. thank you! I wish you success and prosperity!:sun: